Scott Beller - Exact Wordsmith LLC

30+ year writing, PR agency, and independent strategic communications consulting veteran. I help organizations and individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives creatively connect with the right audiences and tell their stories in words and pictures. Contact: sbeller[dot]wordsmith[at]gmail[dot]com

DADDYING blog: What Do You Want For Your Birthday And Other Tough Questions

As the two of us waited for our order of soft tacos and "tot-chos" to arrive at our table, we engaged in the usual dad-daughter lunch conversation. What do you have planned for your last week before school starts? What are you looking forward to this school year? How weird is it we're the ONLY two people having lunch in this taqueria at noon on a Taco Tuesday? But when I asked Lauren, my rising sophomore, what she wanted to do for her 15th birthday...

DADDYING blog: Taking Another Step In Our Daddying Journey

When we dropped off our not-quite-two-year-old on her first day of preschool, her teachers recommended that we not linger. Simply hand her over, turn around, and go. They said it was the best way to break the attachment and ensure the rest of day would go smoothly... ...This weekend, with our now rising high-school senior, we embark on a 12-day road trip covering 1,671 miles through the Northeast to visit prospective college destinations. As we prepare for this next step, my anxious parental mind immediately jumps ahead with the thought: this is a small, first step on our way towards an empty nest. Don't look back?

DADDYING blog: Independence Day Reminder: Read with Your Kids and Get Your "Booster" Shot

Today, we usually celebrate this country's successful fight for independence from a mad king. Yet, here we are 250 years of supposed progress later, facing almost daily threats to our freedoms, democracy, equal rights, and the rule of law. Notably, those threats are mostly coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE (and Senate, and state and federal courts...)! It would be an understatement (though oddly poetic) to say these coordinated attacks have been...more "taxing" than those of the 1770s. The good news is that there is one surefire cure strong enough to inoculate an entire democratic nation yearning to breathe free. That cure is informed voting. Vigilance is key and every election serves as your booster shot. I say, "informed voting" because the road to casting a ballot requires regular infusions of information (and knowing how to distinguish it from mis/disinformation). I would argue the developmental process all begins the first time you sit your child on your lap for a story.

DADDYING blog: Welcome to The Daddying Film Festival's Leap Year

In explaining what inspired him to embark on such a potentially massive undertaking as the Daddying Film Festival & Forum (D3F) while on his recent promotional tour of the dad podcasting landscape, Allan has often quoted the American naturalist and essayist John Burroughs, saying: "Leap, and the net will appear." He's one courageous and persistent dude from the Bronx. Bradbury took Burroughs' notion a leap and bound further with his observation. And that's exactly what the past nine months of planning for D3F 2024 has felt like for us. In a field of more than 3000 film festivals worldwide, we consider D3F to be the little festival that could.

DADDYING blog: Finding the Perfect Valentine Mix

Next month, my wife and I celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary. The past 16 years have been focused mostly (and appropriately, I'd say) on the two daughters we've raised together. With our girls getting more independent by the day, it's no secret that I've been thinking more about the future and the shift of dynamics our family will soon take. On occasions like Valentine's Day, specifically, my thoughts turn to finding ways for my wife and I to get back in touch with the couple we used to be.

DADDYING blog: It Should Be No Secret How to Be A Good Parent in 2024

My mom made the best holiday chocolate chip cookie bars. Every year since I was in high school, maybe earlier, she'd make a giant batch and gift them to family, friends, coworkers, anyone who looked like they needed something sweet in their life. My stepbrother and I would compete to get the biggest tin of those amazing bars and hope we'd have enough to enjoy them until the New Year rolled around. If one of us ever felt short-changed, Mom would just make more.

DADDYING blog: It's Been Another "Banner" Year for Books and Curiosity and That's Tragic

My wife and I had instilled in our own curious little monkeys a love of wandering through libraries and bookstores and an appreciation for the magical potential such places hold. Books give you the ability to travel without actually traveling. To experience something you never knew existed. To understand how others feel and think without ever meeting them. To discover a story and realize it is your own. And, maybe, most importantly, the ability to feel understood and see yourself as not alone in a world that often feels isolating, harsh, terrifying, and hopeless. Books teach. But to many young readers, they are also a refuge. Often, their lifeline.

DADDYING blog: Driving Instructions For Me and My Daughter's Sweet 16

Getting my license gave me more than just a sense of tremendous freedom, accomplishment, and responsibility. It made me feel like an adult for the first time. But, honestly, until I became a dad (at 38!), I didn't know what being an adult really meant. This week was our oldest daughter's 16th birthday. For the past few months, she's been eager to take the driver's seat and practice her skills. And I've eagerly taken up my place in the passenger seat to not only suggest new driving routes and give her pointers on technique and safety, as needed, but also to watch her prepare to fly. All part of my ongoing letting-go process.

DADDYING blog: Understanding My Mother's Anguish

I watched most of Brendan Fraser’s award-winning performance in through tears. His portrayal of Charlie, estranged father of Ellie and a man whose emotional pain had literally weighed him down to the point of debilitation and, ultimately, surrender, reminded me all too much of my own Mother’s struggles. While there certainly were differences in their specific situations, Charlie and my Mom both succumbed to the unfathomable weight they carried.

DADDYING blog: Why Am I Childless on Spring Break and Who Will Select Daddying Film Fest's Atticus Award Finalists?

This week was my kids' spring break. It was the first time my wife and I have spent the occasion without at least one of our daughters with us. Both of them traveled with their high school crew boatmates to South Carolina for the week to enjoy three-a-day rowing, team bonding activities, and barely passable cafeteria grub while we headed to the Big Easy for three-a-day French Quarter hikes, jazz, and exquisite meals of which we tried our best not to immediately text them photos.

DADDYING blog: One Useful Weapon All Parents Should Have On Hand

One of the leading causes of death in kids today is preventable by parents armed with a readily-accessible weapon. No, not THAT kind of weapon. I'm talking about Narcan. I've written this post so that more parents and their kids – who may be terrified by often sensational media coverage about the dangers of fentanyl – will know that the life-saving drug is their best defense against opioid drug overdose. And it's just as important to know that Narcan is completely safe and available for free...
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